
The life, teaching, and ministry of Jesus Christ are the basis of the spirituality of His disciples. We are greatly encouraged by the simplicity of His Words as revealed in the Bible. This makes it possible for people in ordinary non-religious vocation to both follow and live out His life in this world. His fasted life and teachings on fasting can be easily followed. Fasting must be accompanied by prayer or a major spiritual task. Fasting and prayer is a very rewarding aspect of our walk with the Lord.

Jesus said, “When you fast ….”

It is surprising to see that some Christians wonder why others fast and pray. Fasting and prayer were a normal spiritual exercise both by Jesus and His first century disciples. Fasting, therefore, does not make any believer “special” before God, but rather normal! Although Jesus discouraged His disciples from fasting when He was on earth in human flesh (Lk 5:33-34), He alluded to the fact that they (His followers), would fast when He would no longer be in their physical presence (Lk 5:35). Then, the fasting and prayer of His disciples would not be’ in the flesh as those of the Pharisees (Lk 5:36-38; 18:12). In the sermon on the mount Jesus said, “When you fast ……. not “If you, fast…” implying a mandatory practice (Matt. 6:16-18).

Two kinds of Fasting:

Simply put, there is a wrong and a right way of fasting. In Isaiah 58 and Matthew 6, the wrong kind of fasting was mentioned before the right kind of fasting to ensure that we do not enter the error of repugnant fast before the Lord God.

a. The unacceptable fast to God Wrong and religious fasting is definitely offensive to God. The reward for such a fast is a rebuke from God. What makes a fast wrong has to do with your attitudes and motives. God hates public religious display. He hates when people use fasting as a basis of righteous acceptance by God. He hates when people use fasting as a means of twisting His hands or to gain His favor. He hates when people use fasting for religion” display and self-praise purposes. (Isa. 58:1-5, Matt. 6:16, Lk. 18:10-12). It is necessary to mention that fasting without prayer is a hunger strike and may not be good for one’s health. When you fast, you must find time to pray also.

b. The good and acceptable fast to God and why a believer must fast Our God delights in a fasting and prayer when you use it to humble yourself before God (Dan. 9:1-3). God is happy when your fast demonstrates true repentance (Jonah 3:6-10). He accepts your fast when you hallow the time with Him (Matt. 6: 17, 18). He is pleased with a fast that brings deliverance co the troubled (Isa. 58: 6,7, Lk. 4:1-19, Mk. 9:28,29 KJV). Yes, when you give away your food to the hungry, the Lord is well pleased. He answers to fasting and prayer that is aimed at seeking deliverance from Him when you or someone else is in danger. (Acts 27:21-37). God blesses a time of fasting and prayer when it is done in order to foster the work of the Lord (Acts13:1-3). Fasting done in order to win a soul is well honored by Our Father (Jn. 4:27-38).

How to begin a day of fasting and prayer

a. Ask God for strength.

b. Assure yourself that you will not die when you abstain from foods, drinks and pleasures (including normal sexual relationship between husband and wife (I Cor. 7:5), in order to pray to God.

c. As much as possible use the meal times for prayer, reading and meditating on the word of God.

d. Put on a prayer attitude throughout the fasting period.

e. Avoid debates and excessive talking. These would exhaust your strength. God is not pleased with debates (Isa. 58:4, Rom.1:29).

Breaking Your Fast:

a. Drink small quantities of water or fruit juice at a time.

b. Eat light food in small portions.

c. Breaking a fast must be more gradual if the fasting lasted for more than 24 hours.

How long should your fasting last?

A person should decide how long to fast and pray. The Bible has examples of fasts ranging from one day to a maximum of forty days. (Judges. 20:26, Dan. 6:18, Lk. 2:39, Esther. 4:16, Act 9:9, ISam. 31:13, I Chron 10:12, Act. 27:33, Ex. 34:28, lKg.19:8, Matt. 4:2).

The benefits of fasting:

a. The believer’s intestines are relieved.

b. The believer experiences healing of the body. (Isa. 58:8)

c. The believer subdues the powers of darkness. (Isa. 58:6)

d. The work of the Lord is enhanced. (Acts 13:1-3, Jn. 4:31-38)

e. The voice of God is discerned. (lKg. 19:8-13)

f. The will of God is understood. (Dan. 10:1-21)

g. The believer overcomes the tempter. (Matt.4:1-8)

h. The wrath of God is withheld. (Jonah 3:5-10)

The deeper aspect of fasting.

The Lord taught me a deeper aspect of fasting as having to do with the following:

Being consumed in His presence in deep worship for long hours, a deep fellowship, desiring no other pleasure than His presence (Ex 34:2,28-, Ps 16:11).

The dangers of not fasting.

The believer’s life is spent in eating and drinking along with the cares of this life. (Lk.21:34, Jas.1:21). The example of Jesus is not followed. (IPe. 2:21). The believer’s life is dominated by flesh, hence, not sensitive to the Holy Spirit. (Rom. 8:5-8, Gal. 5:16-18). The believer will not be thoroughly equipped for spiritual warfare. (Mk. 9:28,29 KJV, Eph. 6:10-12, IlCor. 10:3-6).

The testimony of Intercessors

Jesus Christ fasted 40 days and 40 nights. He fasted all day. He fasted regularly.

Paul fasted for 3 days (Acts 9:9). He fasted often. (Il Cor 6:5; 11:27). He fasted 14 days (Acts 27:21,33). Disciples of Jesus. In the book of Acts, there are many instances of the disciples fasting individually and corporately (Acts 10:30; 13:2,3; 14:23).


From the above study, it is clear that fasting and prayer is a must for every believer. The ongoing spiritual warfare demands a disciplined and sacrificial life. This is the path that has been left for us by Jesus and His early disciples. If you want to be victorious in the spiritual warfare then vow must take up the whole armor of God. (Eph. 6:10- 18, IlCor. 6:1-10). If you want to be an effective intercessor, then do it the way Jesus did it. Your fasting however must not be made a weekly routine that is aimed at a religious display. Neither should it be made an instrument of maliciousness to starve people in your household. It should not be an excuse for you to be lazy towards your daily responsibilities, much as it is very necessary to do less work in order to have more time for prayer. The testimony of the Holy Spirit to the intercessor is in this wise saying, “For Zion’s sake, I will not hold my peace, I will not be still until her righteousness goes forth as brightness and her salvation as a torch that burneth. I have set watchmen, all day and all night, they shall never hold their peace. They shall never keep silence nor give Jehovah rest until … He establishes His work in the Assembly …. and makes His people a praise in the earth, Amen. (Isa.62:1-7).

For further inquiry or questions, prayer need… write:

Asopuru Okemgbo

Box 673, Richland, WA 99352

Email: [email protected]