GROWING UP IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: (Basic steps in building and restoring relationships).


In today’s world, especially in USA, love has been the most widely discussed and talked about subject but to my understanding, the least applied! The Christian people are not exempt in this generalization. The understanding of an average Christian is that we, Christians have the answers to the hurting world. This is true as it is clearly spelt out in the Word of God and demonstrated by our Lord Jesus Christ who taught what he practiced. In fact, he did not give his followers many commandments, he gave ONLY ONE – LOVE one another! The one aspect of love we shall focus on in this study is the matter of growing up in love. Most people feel they are already ‘experts’ in love matters, but our everyday experiences prove them wrong. We need to grow up! We need to grow up! We must grow up! Let us be open to the Holy Spirit as we open this study, as this may be a new beginning in your love experience that would effect the lives of many for eternity.


1. Where does the love that Christians profess to have come from?

Rom. 5:5, IJn. 4:16, 17

2. If we liken the human heart to (a) a stone, (b) a sponge how will each receive the love that God is pouring into it? Ezek. 36:25,26. Zech. 7:8-13.

3. If I can describe my heart as a heart of stone, what shall I do in order to change this situation? Jer. 23:29, Ezek 36:26

4. What can we say about true manifestation of love based on the following passages?

(a) Jn. 15:13, IJn. 3:16.

(b) Rom. 5:6-8

(c) James 2:15, 16; IJn. 3:17, 18

(d) Heb. 8:12, Ps. 103:3, 12.

(e) Rom. 12:19-21

5. As Christians we learned that God has accepted us and made a special relationship with us based on the fact that He forgave our sins.(IJn. 1:7-9; 2:1-3; Eph. 1:6, 7 ; IICor. 5:14-21, etc.)

(a) What is the relationship between true forgiveness of sins and restoration of friendship? IICor . 5:18-19, Col. 1:21,22.

(b) Based on your response to (a) is it possible to truly forgive without restoring friendship?

(c) Are we expected to forgive differently? i.e., forgive without restoring friendship? Col. 3:12, 13; IPe. 2:21-23. Note that our heavenly Father takes the initiative and reaches out to us in forgiveness. We must do the same – take the initiative and reach out!

6. What does God expect from us concerning forgiving others whenever we come before Him? Matt 5:23, 24; Mark 11:25 also, vs 23, 24.

7. Do you think that the passages in #6 above allow any grounds (including that the person you had misunderstanding with has not said,” I am sorry” to you) for you not to forgive? See also Luke 6:27-36.

8. What if he/she does the same thing that brought the problem again? And again? and….Matt. 18:21,22. Does this principle conflict with Eph. 4:28-32, Jn. 8:10, 11? See also Jas 4: 6, IPe. 5: 6, Rom. 5: 20.

9. This matter of being angry! What is the longest period allowable for your anger based on Eph. 4:26, 27; James 1:19, 20; IPe. 4:7-9.

10. Resentment and bitterness bring defilement. Heb. 12:14, 15; Jas. 3:14-16,Eph. 4:30-32. Who do these defile?

11. Other ways of growing up in our love experiences:

(a) When last did you see discipline as an act of love? Heb. 12:5-11; Eph. 4:15.

(b) What makes one feel that he/she is doing better than his/her spouse, friend, parent(s), children, brother(s)/sister(s)? Phil. 2: 2-4, 14, 15.

12. Applications:

(a) Do you have any one you are yet to forgive, and restore friendship? Jesus said, “GO AND DO LIKEWISE!”

(b) Do you know someone struggling with relationships right now? Would you pray for such now, and share this message with him/her as soon as you can get the opportunity? THIS IS THE WILL OF GOD!

Questions?, Need help or someone to talk with? Need to be prayed for?


Asopuru Okemgbo

PO Box 673, Richland, WA 99352-0673

Email: [email protected]